1960-61 | South Yorkshire is visited by the Deputy Chief Scout, General Sir Robert (Rob) Lockhart. In Sheffield, he, along with other County and City Scouting officials, is entertained to tea by the Lord Mayor. On the Saturday of his weekend, he spends time with Patrol Leaders and Senior Scouts from all over the County attending a camp at Hesley Wood. Later, Sir Rob opens the Campfire. On the Sunday, after a Scouts' Own, he meets hundreds of Scouters Queen's Scout Ian Williams of the 35th (St Oswald's) Scout Group attends the wedding of HRH Princess Margaret to Anthony Armstrong Jones as the representative of the Scouts of South Yorkshire Mr Charles C New donates a trophy for a Senior Scouts' Camping Competition Senior Scout Harry Butler receives a Letter of Commendation from the Chief Scout for his part in the rescue of a child from the River Don From January 1960, it has been possible for Scouts to gain the Duke of Edinburgh's Award within the Movement. Senior Scout Roger Markham of the 59th (St Augustine's) Scout Group is the first Scout in Sheffield to win the Gold Award and receives it from Prince Philip at Buckingham Palace More Groups, including the 12th (Upper Chapel), 205th (St Catherine's), 273rd (St Mary's Handsworth), 210th (Firth Park School) and 277th (Sutton) embark on building their own headquarters Patrol Leader Arthur Longmore of the 46th (St Paul's Norton Lees) Group is one of a party of four Scouts representing Great Britain at the 10th World Scout Jamboree in the Phillipines In the Autumn, the Sheffield Scouts assist in a City-wide campaign to increase the number of blood donors with the door-to-door delivery of leaflets |
1961-62 | The Beatles release their first single 'Love Me Do'
The 'Soap Box Derby' becomes the National Scoutcar Races Long trousers become alternative wear for Senior and Rover Scouts The major event of 1962 is the visit of the Chief Scout, Sir Charles Maclean along with John Thurman, the Camp Chief at Gilwell Park. They attend a dinner at the Cutlers' Hall with some 200 Commissioners, Association Officials and District Scouters from over South Yorkshire The following day, he meets the Lord Mayor at the Town Hall and subsequently attends a Wolf Cub Conference at the City Scout Headquarters. In the afternoon, he opens a conference of South Yoprkshire Scouters in the City Memorial Hall. On the Sunday, accompanied by Sir Harold West (County Commissioner), he visits Hesley Wood Training Camp, followed by Scouts' Own at the City Hall in the afternoon. After the Scouts' Own, he presents Warrants of Appointment to new Assistant City Commissioners, District Commissioners and Assistant District Commissioners prior to the imminent reorganisation of the Districts in Sheffield W Jenkins Gibson, the City Commissioner, dies. Sir Harold West takes over the role of District Commissioner pending the new appointment being made. It has been decided by the County Commissioner, in consultation with national Headquarters, to reorganise the City structure. The scheme involves the appointment of a City Commissioner as leader of Scouting in Sheffield and the establishment of 'Sheffield Boy Scouts City Association' to replace the existing 'Sheffield Local Association Boy Scouts'. The ten Divisions of the City are dissolved and replaced by six new Districts namely Don, Loxley, Norfolk, Rivelin, Porter and Sheaf. Each District has its own District Commissioner in charge with Assistant District Commissioners, District Committe and District Scouters, thus giving each District a large degree of autonomy The Bronze Cross is awarded posthumously to Graham Manton, Assistant Scoutmaster at the 285th (Mount View Methodist) Scout Group who gave his life an attempt to save a man from drowning at Holywell Bay in Cornwall. The award is presented to his parents by the Chief Scout in the City Hall, during the latter's visit to the City In February, a gale sweeps the City, causing significant damage. Scouts, Rovers and Leaders report for duty at Trippet Lane and are organised into parties to meet requests for assistance. Tasks of all types are undertaken incliuding the salvaging of personal belongings and the clearing up of shattered homes. Other work includes the clearance of fallen trees, storing of furniture, attending to unsafe chimneys and aerials, clearing roadways and acting as guides for rescue parties. A party of about fifty Scouters spend the weekend repairing damage at Hesley Wood Camping Ground In the summer, 1300 Wolf Cubs from the City along with 200 Scouters, travel by special train to Hesley Wood for a Great Picnic In the Senior Scout section, the first competition for the Charles New Trophy takes the form of a camping competition with knock-out at Hesley Wood and the finalists competing in tests over unknown parts of Derbyshire culminating in a weekend camp. The first winners of the Trophy are the 265th (Greenhill Anglican) Senoir Scouts The Senior Scouts also give a demonstration at the Hobbies and Leisure Exhibition at the Edmund Road Drill Hall Having been discontinued at the start of the Second World War, the Sheffield Scouts' 'Gang Show' is revived as 'Shorts' and five evening performances are give at the Montgomery Hall with a total attendance of 2700 Two rovers from Sheffield, Peter Chapman and David Mosley of the 74th (Oak Street) Group attend the World Rover Scout Moot in Australia Following the death of W Jenkins Gibson, W Wentworth Ping takes over as Editor of 'Scout News' Due to ilness, Miss M Cotterill resigns as General Secretary and Miss Hilda Broomhead is appointed as her replacement |
1962-63 | For National Bob-a-Job Week, the 231st (Shiregreen) Group perform the first job for the Lord Mayor carrying out chores for the 'old folks' living in the flats at Emerson Crescent, Parson Cross. The 234th (Westbourne Preparatory School) earn the highest amount per boy, namely 33/2d (2015 - £34.15) The 77th (St Charles) Group are one of several Scout parties that help in the search for two missing children on Glossop Moor in December 1962. Tragically, the prolonged search culminates in the Scouts finding two bodies. The Scouts involved are thanked by the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire and receive a Letter of Commendation from the County Commissioner J Parrett takes over the Editorship of Scout News Several Scouts from Sheffield form part of United Kingdom Troop 31 at the World Scout Jamboree at Marathon in Greece A City Association Band is formed with 60 members drawn from Group Bands already in existence, under the direction of Bandmaster Fred Atkin. During the year, it makes a dozen public appearances ranging from Group Galas to the Annual City St George's Day Parade The City Executive Committee approves a plan for a two storey extension to the Trippet Lane HQ, to build and equip a Rover Memorial Room along with further accommodation and improved kitchen and toilet facilities at a cost of £6600 (2015 - £130,000) Mrs Hilda Turnbull resigns as General Secretary and is succeeded by Mrs Janice Walker |
1963-64 | The last executions in Britain are carried out |
1964-65 | First meeting of the Chief Scout's Advance Party Major Eric Walker is appointed Sheffield's first City Commissioner. The Earl of Scarbrough (the County President) presents him with his warrant There is a new presentation of 'Shorts' at the Montgomery Hall. Once again, it is a sell-out for all five nights Derek Dalton of the 210th (Firth Park School) Group is awarded the Cornwell Scout Badge. Derek, a victim of polio, has spent long periods hospitalised but despite being seriously disabled completes the necessary tests for Second Class and Ambulance badges. The award is presented to him by the Earl of Scarbrough in Lodge Moor Hospital The City's Senior Scouts hold an 'Autumn Gathering' at Whitely Woods with over two hundred Senior Scouts in camp over the weekend Rover Scouts of the 144th (Crookes Congregational) Group design and build their own outpost at Bradfield |