The '75 Show

"During the late 1930s a new form of entertainment arrived in Sheffield - the Gang Show. Our particular version was called SHORTS and the cast always included the character 'Shorty'.
Although our present production is a Pageant rather than a Gang Show, the same character is still with us as a link with the past.
Our modern day Shorty isn't a Scout - although some of his pals are and they have told him of our activities so he has come along to see for himself. He's full of curiosity and can think up questions far quicker than the poor Announcer can find the answers. However the Announcer does have some help-from our cast of three hundred plus-to tell our Sheffield Scouting story.
We start with the National Anthem - and hope that you will join in.
Then we meet the members of present day Scouting for a rousing welcome and Flag-break before the scene concludes with our Anniversary Song-the words are printed at the centre of the programme so please join in once more. The tune will be familiar to many of the audience.
Prompted by Shorty's questioning the action moves back in time to the Sheffield of 1909 and we see scenes from every-day life as it was when Scouting first started seventy-five years ago.
Then comes 'Scouting for Boys' and the formation of the 'street-corner' Patrols who merged to form the early Troops .... only to be disrupted within a few short years by the Great War. There were doubts that the Movement could survive-but thanks to the Patrol System it did so, and expanded. Our members responded to the call and served the Country in many varied ways- just as they were to do twenty-five years later.
When peace was restored Scouting returned to its traditional activities ... Oh
yes, and what were they? asks Shorty-so we show him, and you.
As mentioned earlier, the Gang Show came to town in the 1920's, and it's still around today. Several Groups have produced their own shows in recent years - could our present tribute to Ralph Reader triggered-off even more interest?
The opening of the Second Act also has a musical theme and features the City Scout Band-before we take a rapid spin around the World to look at some International aspects of Scouting.
Someone once said that the only constant thing is the way we keep on changing - and Sheffield Scouting has seen its share over the years as Shorty soon discovers. Then we bring our story up to date with a look at some of our modern Scouting activities which convince Shorty that he really does want to become a Scout.
We see an Investiture before our Grand Finale which includes a parade of Colours, 'Sunset' and a final opportunity to sing once more our Anniversary Song.
Packing a highly varied seventy-five year history into a brief couple of hours is impossible - but we have attempted to bring out some of the high-lights. A lot of hard work has gone into this production by hundreds of our members. It is a new venture to us all but we hope that we have captured at least some elements of the past and would like to think that in 2009, THE 75 SHOW will be remembered as a milestone in the first hundred years history of Sheffield Scouting".